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Saturday, August 14, 2010

1 May 2010

One year ago, to be precise 1 May 2009 marked the beginning of my first sail together with my newly wed wife Norshahidah Mohd Mahayadin.It has been a year now since we began our journey as husband and wife. Throughout our first year of marriage we've gone through lots of part and parcel of life be it good or bad time.
Nor Shahidah Mohd Mahayadin is the most wonderful woman I ever seen in my entire life. She filled my life with all her love and kindness, standing at the back of me in what ever I do giving me ongoing moral support; she knowsmy ambitions and how I am trying hard to turn it into reality. She completes my life as a man.
Although our Wedding Anniversary is about another week to go, but today on this cloudy evening, I am writing to express how much I am indebted with this lady named Nor Shahidah Mohd Mahayadin and how I loved her with all my heart and I promised that nothing can break us apart but death. She saw the little child in me but my life is in her hand; a day without her voice makes me restless at least I just want to hear her say hello over the phone, it will makes me feel better.


My lovely wife, Nor Shahidah Mohd Mahayadin, Happy 1st Anniversary Sayang! Thank you for completing my life and I hope that we will stay happy like this forever. Till death do us part sayang!

Note: This picture was taken before our engagement on the 18 Novemer 2008, I am going to cherish this picture.

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